Getting Online in
a digital age
Please select which option applies best to you


Plan your own digital literacy course or
become a digital literacy teacher or champion

Could you support digital literacy among people you work with?


Ideas for teaching digital literacy more formally


Help support people and champion digital literacy informally


A quick & easy toolkit to learn digital literacy
Using your technology

Wondering what the difference is between a smart phone and a tablet? Find out how to use your technology better…

Keeping In Touch

Want to keep in touch with friends or enquire about a service? Here’s how…

Staying Safe

Worried you might get yourself into trouble online? Here’s how to stay safe…

Taking Part

Want to get good deals online, get involved in your community or campaign for change? If you want to take part in the online world, here’s how…

Sharing Things

Want to get onto social media, share your photos with the world or make books of them for family and friends? Here’s how…